New York City Gas Inspection
Gas Inspection
The team at EZ Runer Construction Corp cares about the safety of you and your family. While it is great that you are installing natural and eco friendly gas for your home heating needs, we want to make sure that you know how to keep things running smoothly and safely. One of the best ways to do this is to have regular gas inspections performed in your Brooklyn home.
This will make sure that not only all of your gas lines and appliances are up to code, but that neither you or your family are in any gas related jeopardy. If you are new to the world of natural gas in your home, read on for some gas inspection preparation.
When Is This Due?
January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020 (Extended to June 30, 2021) | Districts: 1, 3, 10, in all boroughs
January 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021 | Districts: 2, 5, 7, 13, and 18 in all boroughs
January 1, 2022 – December 31, 2022 | Districts: 4, 6, 8, 9, and 16 in all boroughs
January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2023 | Districts: 11, 12, 14, 15, and 17 in all boroughs
What Are The Penalties For Noncompliance?
A building owner who fails to submit a certification required to be submitted…on or before the filing due date specified…will be liable for a civil penalty of ten thousand dollars ($10,000). Penalties can be challenged by submitting satisfactory proof of a timely and acceptable filing. These must be filed within 30 days from the date of violation.
Who is Qualified to Perform Gas Inspections?
It goes without saying that not just anyone is qualified to perform a gas inspection of your home’s natural gas lines. In order to get a proper gas inspection performed, you should be contacting a Licensed Master Plumber, or qualified person working under direct and continuing supervision of LMP. But what makes a Licensed Master Plumber qualified to safely inspect the gas lines in your home? Well, for starters, they undergo a diversified and intense training and qualification process. A Licensed Master Plumber will have also served as an apprentice for a good amount of time. In doing so, the LMP will become adept at performing a quality gas inspection of your home’s natural gas lines.
Before allowing a LMP to begin a routine gas inspection, do not hesitate to check their qualifications for yourself. The job that they are doing is very important to the safety and well being of your family, so you should be as confident as possible before they inspect the gas of your Brooklyn home. A professional inspector will gladly oblige you with all of his or her credentials, as they know that you are relying on them for a confident gas inspection procedure.
What are the Steps in a Proper New York City Gas Inspection?
A LMP will be assessing the safety of all of your gas lines and gas equipment in your New York City home. Their job is to make sure that all of these are in good working order. In order to provide a proper gas inspection, the LMP will perform the following tasks:
- The LMP will inspect all hallways and passageways for gas leakage.
- A full inspection of leaks will occur. The LMP will make sure that there are no toxic gasses leaking into your home. He or she will be sure that any harmful gasses are properly and cleanly moving outside your property.
- At the end of the gas inspection, the LMP will provide you a full report of all of the inspections that they have performed. At this point, if you have any questions or concerns, you can address them.
Throughout the gas inspection, if you have any gas related questions or concerns, do not hesitate to bring them up. Your LMP should be happy to reply to your concerns immediately, as they know how important it is to have a safely fueled home.
How Regularly Should You Have a Gas Inspection Performed?
Many homeowners can be uncertain as to how often they should have a gas inspection performed on their New York City home. The short answer to this question is that you should have a gas inspection performed every 4 years. It is important that you do not go on assumptions that all of your gas fueled appliances are running well. Many people are unable to detect a gas leak by themselves because there may be no smell or other obvious signs of a problem. It is always better to be safe rather than sorry, so be prepared to get an annual gas inspection of your New York City home.
How Long Does it Take to Get a Routine Gas Inspection?
If you are getting a standard gas safety inspection performed, it should take no more than an hour to complete. If you have scheduled this appointment, be sure that you keep it. Any gas concerns are very hazardous, and potentially deadly if left uninspected. Your home is at risk if you do not keep your gas inspection appointment. If you have actual concerns, your gas inspection could take a little longer, as your LMP may have to check for more hidden dangers. It is also up to you if you wish to be present during your New York City home’s routine gas inspection. If you have questions or curiosities about how the gas inspection is performed, you may wish to be there while your LMP checks things out. However, if you want to get your New York City gas inspection done as quickly as possible, then you may want to let the LMP do their job on their own. If you do not have an emergency situation, the LMP can surely carry out the gas inspection on their own.
Schedule Your Annual Gas Inspection with EZ Runer Construction Today!
It is best to schedule gas inspections with ample time before the due date. The team at EZ Runer Construction Corp has been working with the homeowners of New York City for over 35 years. In that time, our team has built up a loyal clientele and would love to add you to our list! If you are interested in scheduling a New York gas inspection, call us today! One of our professional agents are always available to schedule your gas inspection, or to provide you with rates anytime!